If you would like to change your upcoming in-office appointment into a Virtual Encounter, follow these steps:
Call our office at 540-208-7002, ext 1. The front desk person should be able to determine if you are currently eligible.
Read our consent form. If possible, print it and sign it. You may mail it to the office or email it to admin@shenandoahneph.com. Otherwise, verbal consent will work until the next time we see you in the office.
You need to have access to a smartphone, ipad, laptop, desktop or some type of mobile device. Download ZOOM, a telecommunications app. Make sure to have your audio and video turned on in the app. Please ask a family member for help if necessary.
The day of your appointment, record your Weight, Blood Pressure, Pulse, and Temperature. Have your Medication List and Standard Copay ready.
About 15-20 minutes before your appointment, our check-in nurse will call you on the number you provided. She will ask you about your vitals and direct you in signing in to your Zoom meeting.
Your provider (Dr Overby or Dr Waligora) will join the ZOOM meeting and your Virtual Encounter will commence!
IMPORTANT: We want every minute of your time with Drs Waligora and Overby to be focused on you and your health. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WORKING ACCESS TO THIS TECHNOLOGY BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. If you feel you need help with this technology, ask a family member or friend ahead of time.
Please note this will be a temporary measure.
Depending on Federal Regulation and/or Insurance Reimbursement, Telemedicine May Not be Offered to Every Patient.
There are some potential risks and limitations of this mode of treatment (including but not limited to the absence of in-person examination) and you must agree to be treated in a remote fashion in spite of them. If you have any questions, let us know and we will answer them. We cannot make any promises or guarantees as to the efficacy of remote treatment. Contact this office if you have worsening conditions or problems, and, if necessary, seek emergency medical treatment and/or call 911. ANY COMMUNICATION SENT BY THIS OFFICE THROUGH EMAIL WILL ONLY PERTAIN TO TELEHEALTH. ALL SCHEDULING AND MEDICAL QUERIES MUST GO TO OUR OFFICE VIA OUR TELEPHONE AND FAX NUMBERS.